About this Location

The USO lounge, found in the main terminal area, supports more than 10,000 military, retirees and their families traveling through Milwaukee. The VIP lounge hosts welcome home and deployment events for local military units, and is a safe-haven for families during a Dignified Transfer of a fallen hero.

Services available include a book exchange, movie library, gaming system, comfort foods, and WiFi, all in an area to relax and relieve the stresses of travel.

Amenities at this Location

Food & Beverages
  • Beverages
  • Coffee & Tea
  • Food Pantry
  • Snack Bar
  • Snacks
  • Charging Stations
  • Computers & Laptops
  • Desks & Work Areas
  • Skype
  • Video Chat
  • Wi-Fi
Multimedia & Gaming
  • Board & Table Games
  • DVD & Blu-ray Player
  • Playing Cards
  • TV & Cable
  • Xbox 360
Rest & Relaxation
  • Lounge
  • Music Room & Instruments
  • Sleeping & Quiet Area
  • Toiletries
Services & Information
  • Families of the Fallen Lounge
  • Information Desk
  • Transportation Information
Dear USO, thank you very much for your support. You provide a kind hand and I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.
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