About this Location

At the USO Center in the Milwaukee Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), we support 8,000-12,000 service members and their families each year as they begin their military jouney. Volunteers help settle the nerves of new recruits and offer support to the families who are left behind. MEPS handles recruits from the entire state of Wisconsin for all five branches of the military.

Amenities at this Location

Food & Beverages
  • Beverages
  • Coffee & Tea
  • Snack Bar
  • Snacks
  • Charging Stations
Multimedia & Gaming
  • Board & Table Games
  • DVD & Blu-ray Player
  • Playing Cards
  • TV & Cable
  • Xbox 360
Rest & Relaxation
  • Music Room & Instruments
  • Toiletries
Thank you for making me feel like my service is appreciated. I love my job and I am glad to serve our country.
Service Member Find out how to support USO

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